Mystery Method Corporation | ISBN-13: 10 987654321 | English | PDF | 2.47 MB | 121 Pages
Nature will unapologetically weed your genes out of existence if you don't take action and learn how to attract women now. Do I have your attention? Good, because attracting women is a serious matter. You agree with this statement, or you wouldn't have picked up this book in the first place. But just because it's a matter of life and death doesn't mean the process of attracting women can't be superfun! If you want to be a multimillionaire, you need a proven game plan for accumulating wealth, right? If you want to look like an Adonis, you need a proven game plan for sculpting your physique, too. Weil, what if you want to have beautiful women, the kind you see in magazine spreads and music videos, on your arm and in your bed? In that case, the Mystery Method (MM) is your proven game plan for creating a lifestyle filled with unlimited choices. I created it, and if you'll allow me the privilege, I'll be your personal mentor to see that you learn it thoroughly. It's no secret I've dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, and for that I make no apologies (although physical beauty is but one of many qualities I look for in a female companion). Now, I've never thought of myself as a pickup artist, nor should you, but it was always flattering to have friends ask me how I acquired such stunning girlfriends. So, informally, I began to teach them my secret of attraction. Armed with this knowledge, soon they, too, had beautiful girl-friends.
May the Venusian arts enrich your life, not define it.
Over the years, these informal discussions with friends evolved into dynamic seminars and action-packed workshops conducted "in the field." I literally brought men into nightclubs and other social settings and trained them on the spot in how to systematically approach and attract women. I personally have helped thousands of men all over the world learn what their dads never taught them. That is why I am privileged to share with you more than ten years of experience in the science of social dynamics and the art of the cold-approach pickup. My goal with the Mystery Method is to accelerate your learning curve dramatically, saving you years of painful frustra-tion and loneliness in the process.